
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 15th, 2022
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 780
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Hi this is my runick deck. I didn’t know if this idea would work but I gave runick a try with pranks kids, and it turns out I like it. I like the one card combos and having back row disruptions with rip-roarin and monster disruption with battle butler. My main goal for this deck was to bait ash blossoms and other negate cards with pranks then go in with runicks. There are some bad things like how you can’t summon a runick fusion monster while a prank link monster is on the field, but you can usually get through your whole combo to free up the extra monster zone or through your link off the field because that’s what most of there effects are.

Goal: Get battle butler and rip roarin on the field turn one if you can.

Use runick to deck out opponent


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*Player id: 133-854-400

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