
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 14th, 2022
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

We're not here to play lame floodgates like Skill Drain, Gozen Match, TKBOO. Those don't do enough, and most of them lock us out of our own plays-- no, we're here to play Vanity's Fiend Beatdown.

The name of the game is 1.)Do a regular Runick Turn, 2) Tribute Summon Vanity's, 3) Spam deck-out cards all day, doing normal Runick things, but being careful because you can't recurr fountain while Vanity's Fiend is up. Your other gameplan is 1) Super poly into whatever super poly target you can, 2) Tribute Summon Vanity's, 3) Vanity's beatdown. This is how you're going to win the mirror against Runick. Your final gameplan is Actually play a control deck instead of hoping a floodgate does your work for you. Reduce your opponent's hand to zero while banishing their whole deck. Win by deckout.

And yes, I really am playing two Golden Droplet and 3 Smiting Storm. How else am I going to win by deckout on turn 3? What are they going to do with that extra card? Drop a Maxx C or Nibiru? Ha.


  • Yes
  • Got me to Lvl 20 anyways
  • I've won 16 of my last 20 games, anyway

I added Lava Golem as an extra piece of removal, but I didn't end up playing it even once. You can take that as a flex spot to play Cosmic Cyclone/Ash/Imperm or whatever counters the guy who beat you last game. Maybe a Kaiju, or one of those purple floodgates. Just be careful not to lock yourself out of Runicks. I was thinking Kaisers, but you have to actually win coin flips to play that card.

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