
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 14th, 2022
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 810
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my runick deck. There may be a bit of tweaking with the ratios, but for the most part I've settled on this build. Would run 2 munin but didn't have crafts, it didn't really come up anyways but good to have handy depending on the matchup.

Reason for my choice of build: I really like majesty fiend, so much so I made runick specifically so that I could effectively turbo majesty fiend, turn 1 in more than half of my duels going first iirc. Invicil looks questionable, but it's more so a practical meme if anything; it's quite funny to have the ability to lock your opponent out of spells and traps, but it wasn't even a dead card much of the time, I did manage to.summon it a couple of times and it won duels on the spot, including mirrors. I managed to turn of traps in one duel by stealing my opponents labrynth with triple tactics and then tribute summoning. In one game I managed to tribute beat cop to get invicil on the field - while it was gimmicky it won me the game lol. It's much easier to lock out spells - though be careful, as you do lock yourself out aswell! Only go for invicil spell lock if your opponent is playing despia or runick for example.

Some of my card choices are different from the more common stun variants that have also topped tourneys. This is because I've got a preference for playing slightly faster; whilst I'm not really one to play heavy combo decks, I'm not too much of a fan of just set 5 passing either as it's too stale.

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