
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 13th, 2022
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I had around a 70% win rate changed a couple of things along the way. Kaiser and fissure didnt come as often as I spected but only played kaiser for like 4 games won all of them but only saw the card once.

You could replace Vanity with another Majesty but Vanity clutched me a few games vs Despia if you manage you get him early on the field + dont get hes effect negated, but also you have to take into account it locks you out of your runick summons. You could replace some of the cards for a Cosmic Cyclone/Dark Hole/gozen I would have tried Twin Twister too since if you are ahead you get so much cards in hand and might come in handy for a extra draw if you have a dead runick in hand.

Evenly is basically for when you go 2nd obviously and its specially good vs laberynth since they set a lot, also you can use it to bait a negate in combo decks like adamancipators. Also you could add another copy of SD in replacement of some of the cards that I said didn't work as much as spected but keep in mind fissure is kinda lethal against certain matchups.

Allure is the best card vs mirror but I find it mostly a dead card in most other matches. Finally I dont play pots/demise just because most times your first plays consist of hugin searching fountain + a floodgate.

Sorry in advance if I dont redact so well not my 1st language I will answer any doubt in comments!

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