
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 12th, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 570
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Ratios can be tweaked but this seemed to be the most consistent for me. For some reason dlv 18 was a nightmare and the biggest choke point with everyone teched for this match up. At that point I was optimizing the build as well as learning it. The rest of the journey was a breeze compared to that with maybe one or two losses compared to the slog getting to there.

Ultimate slayer does a pretty good job vs the mirror and branded. Another Ntiss is probably better than the fossil warrior but throwing gems at a shitty box is pretty unrewarding.

Psy frame has some unique applications for either graveyard but it’s usually used as tool to prevent decking yourself out of reasoning /gate do so. Just use the effect when no cards remain and get to banishing their deck.

If you have to deck the opponent out that turn pay close attention to their number of cards and what you can do. Runick cards need the exact cost of their deck to function.

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