
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 14th, 2022
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Going first.

For turn 1 you want to end on either 1 of the 2 counter traps you have + bagooska or handtraps to disrupt the opponent, and also make sure to have follow up for your next turn. You can easily bait a multitude of handtraps such like ash or imperm/veiler when going with your salad plays, and then finish with micro coder to summon heatsoul and add the cynet conflict and get a +2.

Going second.

Since there are a lot of trap decks, I suggest going for a linguribo if needed as first link summon, otherwise you can try to bait disruptions with any normal summon, then follow up with gazelle/circle-->add-->>meer/mathmech addition/etc. If you don't see yourself capable of otking with update+accescode, then go for a play that gives you a bunch of follow up for next turns and win on the grind game.

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