Sky Striker

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 16th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Unfortunately, I'm too poor to afford more of the usual staples such as Droplets, a 2nd CBTG, a 3rd LS, a 3rd Imperm... you get the idea.

This is a going 2nd deck.

  • Ningirsu: It's nontargeting removal makes it much better than Knightmare Unicorn in dealing with problematic boss monsters in a pinch, IMHO. It's a bit harder to summon, usually requiring a Charmer+Stolen Link Monster, Charmer+Sky Striker Link, or Zeke+Sky Striker Link.
  • Borrelsword: I found that I had an extra ED slot. I could put in a 2nd Zeke, but I rarely find myself needing to go into my 1st Zeke. Borrelsword is good for going for lethal in very edge cases, such as trying to go over a high atk monster than Accesscode can't handle, or doing 6000+ damage by attacking with both it and another monster, then using Borrelsword's effect on your other monster to let it attack again.
  • Evenly Matched: It's pretty much a funnier (and slightly cheaper) version of LS. A combo to use is NS Raye, LS Hayate, attack with Hayate into your opponent's 1500+ ATK monster, let Hayate die, respawn Raye. When the Battle Phase ends, use Raye's tag-out effect, and then you can chain Evenly on your now empty field, ending you with Raye on the field, a spell in the GY (from Hayate), and a cleaned-out enemy field. Make sure to have your responses set to "On" rather than "Auto" for this.
  • Pot of Desires: To any new Sky Striker player reading this: I was hesitant on Desires too, but the card advantage is too good to pass up.
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