Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade

Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on December 17th, 2022
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

FTK Combo requires 3 cards in the starting hand (Warbler, Sparrow, and either Swallow, Nervall, Canary, or searcher): SS Warbler from hand and activate effect (to SS another Lyrilusc)| SS Sparrow from hand and activate effect (searching Swallow or Wagtail)| XYZ Starling and activate search effect (searching for the other)| Use Swallow's effect to SS itself and Wagtail (bring Bird Sanctuary to hand)| XYZ Starling (#2) (activate Swallow's effect)| Activate Bird Sanctuary to draw 1 card| Activate Starling (#2) effect to bring Nervall to hand| LS Ferrijit using both Starlings.| Use Ferrijit effect to SS Nervall (Don't summon Nervall to where the link zone points)| Activate Nervall effect (Banish Swallow and either XYZ or Warbler) to SS Bearbrumm| Activate Bearbrumm's effect (discard 2 to SS 1 from Banish pile) to SS Swallow| LS Shuraig w/ Bearbrumm and Ferrijit.| LS Reproductus w/ Nervall and Shuraig| Activate both effects bringing Kinka-byo (Shuraig's) and Fraktall (Nervall's)| Activate Fraktall to send itself and Swallow to GY| NS Kinka-byo and activate effect to SS Swallow from GY| Activate Canary to SS itself and Sparrow (in GY)| XYZ Dullahan w/ Canary and Kinka-byo (must be in zone Reproductus points to)| XYZ Lyrilusc card (any) using both Swallow abilities (do not add Wagtail)| Activate Wagtail| Activate Reproductus (turn to Winged Beast)| Activate Bird Sanctuary (add Lyrilusc on to Dullahan)| XYZ Angel of Mischief w/ 10 Overlay units|

ID: Gray 387-226-489

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