Swordsoul Tenyi

Top 100 in Dec 2022 Duelist Cup from on December 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 390
42 cards

Notes & Combos

During the duelist cup 2nd stage i went with old reliable, and finished 71st. If i had sat down to grind more i think i could’ve approached top 25 at least.

At first win rate was closer to 70-80% but of course dropped down to closer 65% as rank rose and word about floo and adams got it. Felt like every match was a grass deck.

ASF won me a lot of games—it’s the only way for us to put up a real ftk board like these other degenerate decks imo. It blanked my opp in a lot of matches. RIP.

Re: Adams. This is the worst match up by far cuz they can gas through all your stops it feels like, and it doesn’t brick like floo. Developed the strategy of calling earth with monk on the field using protos, ending with that and the usual synchros if opp had 60 cards. This was an ftk 75% of the time unless opp was using grass BD or something.

Runick was not prevalent, but this deck only loses to them if they open like 2 floodies anyway. Free wins for the most part.

Swso discord thanks for the support!




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