
Extra Zero Festival from on July 19th, 2022
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I used to run 2x Amano Iwato like my ladder deck, but monster negate-heavy boards where it shines are less of a concern in this festival. Plus less draw power and less consistently good pend-summons thanks to no Link monsters being available means that normal summoning mini-Jackal or Magister is more incentivized than usual. So I ended up cutting.

To help gain back some draw power I tried to borrow a page out of budget Sky Striker and use 3x Foolish Burial Goods + 1x Metalfoes Fusion. It worked okay, but I ended up drawing Fusion more than I'd have liked (+ the occasional Desires banish). I eventually dropped the package for Triple Tactics Talent and Called By. TTT has definitely given me some nice extra draws where I really needed them, but it's also kind of dead vs the common-ish Eldlich matchup, so I'm a bit ambivalent. I've considered swapping the ratio between TTT and Called By, or adding in Dark Ruler No More to help fill Amano's shoes but I'm happy with the current ratios - DRNM seems like overkill when I've been encountering less of the bird menace.

I run Village over 2nd Citadel because Adventure + board nuke spells seem common enough to justify it, and Necrovalley is dead-ish vs birds.

I skip the Adventure package because it has too many 1-of pieces that Desires can fuck up. In an event that hits pend summoning's consistency, I really don't want to give up Desires' draw power if I can help it. Maybe the wrong choice since Adventure can bait negates, but ehhh.

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