
Special Duel: Link Regulation from on October 14th, 2022
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

My main combo turn 1 is use Servant to special summon Endymion or Jackal, depends on what else is in your hand. Link into Electrumite, send Astro, pop, add scale for pendulum, then pendulum.

Spellbook and Magician's Souls package is just a draw engine, but sometimes Crowley works as an extender for your combos. Pendulum summon or summon into the arrow Cerberus for Electrumite later, by using Endymion with more than 10 counters you can "pop" Cerberus and go into Electrumite for the main combo.

For turn 2 just go into negates if needed, then pop with Endymion or banish with Cerberus/Spellbook of Fate.


Player id: 803-802-761

  • Replay: vs Blue-Eyes
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