
Special Duel: Link Regulation from on October 14th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The gameplan is to either play Trickstars, or backrow control, depending on what you draw into. Candina doesn't win games on her own, so trying to maximize the chances of finding her at the cost of making the rest of the deck bad won't work. Instead, a lot of the time you will draw into backrow hands without Candina (with cards like Lord of the Heavenly Prison, Solemn Strike, etc) and are able to win anyways. If you do find your Trickstar monsters, the backrow is important for delaying the opponent long enough to burn them or attack into them for lethal.

This build was inspired by a relatively recent topping build in the OCG, which also relied on backrow.

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