
Synchro x Xyz Festival from on September 20th, 2022
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Psychic Blade can be replaced with Veiler/Crow or another Twin Twisters for backrow removal against Ben Kei's equip cards when they win the coin toss and allow you to go first. Also, the 2 Twin Twisters can be replaced with Veiler/Crow for additional Level 1 summon aside from hand trap purposes.

Been having lots of Numeron & Ben Kei OTK matchups on my other accounts that's why I decided to add more Twisters in this one.

Don't overextend on Turn 1 and ALWAYS use Nightingale's effect on Turn 2 Standby Phase if you know you're up against Numeron before your opponent summons a Kaiju ~

It's just funny to see a big Nightingale with Psychic Blade. 😄

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