
Theme Chronicle from on January 19th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Went with a blind 2nd Shiranui Zombie world deck for the event. I wanted to use zombies but didnt have enough interaction going 1st to justify it so went all in on going 2nd here. Played pretty well. I felt like I always had starters in Squire, Uni, Solitaire, and Gozuki at times. Sunsaga is such a great breaker and enables otks. Shogunsaga has big numbers and can beat over most things you need it to. Could have probably went with 1 more Banshee. Like maybe -1 Nessie + 1 banshee but overall I had Zombie World up more often than not.

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