The Weather

Theme Chronicle from on January 18th, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Go first, setup your board and resource loop (specially thundery to prevent OTKs) and get The Weather Painter Rainbow with multiple painters next turn and its GG. Dimensional Fissure is an OTK against Orcust and Megalith. The Weather Cloudy Canvas and The Weather Painter Rain are flex spots, I just wanted more names. Only thing that matters in extra is the Weather Painters and a way to get into Zeus. Maybe add borrelsword or something if you want but I didn't find it necessary. List will probably change once everyone is on Crusadia or some Kaiju cheese. For now I haven't had a problem against it with cloud returning spells after a lighting storm/feather duster, solemns and thundery.

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