Plunder Patroll

Win Streaks from on August 28th, 2022
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 300
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Plunder patroll deck used to get to diamond 1. Ideal first turn end board is toad + blackbead + a hard made moerk equipped with either emblem or readbeard. However, often you will just end on blackbeard turn 1

The deck is also very good at breaking boards going second as shown in the replays.

Nibiru is good going both first and second in this deck as you can CL1 red/white/blackbeard, CL2 nib and you will be guarenteed to summon lys due to the nib token being light. Additionally redbeard can equip to the lys and whitebeard can summon from the deck after being tributed by the nib. The geonator transverser is important as moerk cannot out the normal token. It is common to use whitebeard + nib to make geonator and summon a goldenhair in attack to swap with the token. additionally you can equip the goldenhair with emblem before changing control and then use emblem to summon lys with the goldenhair you gave to your opponent.


Checkout my replays!

Player id: 354-410-955

  • Replay1: Going first through gamma

  • Replay2: Going second with maxx c as only handtrap and they have ash for it. They go full halq - auroradon combo. They light lock me + have a Baronne, nine pillars, chixiao and blackout + an ash search

  • Replay3: Going second opening all plunder patroll cards (no handtraps). They go full halq - auroradon combo. They light/dark lock me + have a Baronne, nine pillars, chixiao and crossout + a veiler search

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