
Win Streaks from on December 20th, 2022
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 540
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Just reached Diamond2 from Diamond5 in a day with this deck. I played runick with agents because agents requires a fairy monster to extend is main combo and since Hugin is Fairy-type and runick is a very flexible engine I try to play this deck.I didn't have any expectations but I was very surprised for the result.The alternative is to play other fairy extenders like Loagaeth/Trias/Eatos/Corobane which sometimes are useless. I had 75% winrate in a day in Diamond. Don't focus to play runick in a classic way,just use the fountain to draw 1-2 cards and use runick spells to have Hugin and to go into Agent Moon.I play only 1 fountain for this reason,but you can play 2x too. Standard endboards can be: 1)Kristya+Moon+Masterflare Hyperion 2)Parshath+Baronne+Kristya 3)Parshath+Kristya Diviner+runick spell is probably the best combo since you end with the second endboard.The main goal is to end with Kristya(searchable via Parshath/Masterflare). Sanctuary is very important on the field only for Parshath effect.If you have Kristya in your starter hand you can use Sanctuary for a discard.If you have Terra/Heralds+2 runick spells you can go into Cupid ,then Chaos Ruler(pray the Rng to mill/add something useful)then Baronne/Chengying but this combo is rarely the best option but sometimes is your only way to go,and it's not that bad.The cards you can replace in the extra deck are Unicorn/Accesscode and probably Geri.Sorry for my English

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Player id: 022-674-595

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