
Win Streaks from on December 27th, 2022
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I decided to cut the tiny labrynths. Stovie and Chandraglier do provide consistency and a higher ceiling once your deck gets rolling, but they're clunky and dependend on good hands. The cost of going minus one ist just too grave for the deck. You need Backjack to really make them worth it but a two card combo that maybe evens out in card advantage is just something I got frustrated with while testing. Arianna and Ariane as well as the pots, Heavenly Prison and trap trick make sure you're always seeing your labrynth cards. You can definitly change the pot ratios, but I think 2 and 2 works just fine. I decided to cut prosperity cause you can't use it together with Extravagance. Cutting the package of the four tiny labrynths, back jack and ghastly glitch also allows for more room to dedicate to generic staples. Ash blossom is the best handtrap rn imo, hitting some of the best decks like branded and runick hard while also allowing for easier turn twos in general. Infinite Impermenance is just nice to have, but isn't necessary. Evenly Matched is a card that fills that going second nieche while being way mor impactful than infit. But infit is a lot more versatile so I think it comes down to preferance. Called by is also really important, cause some hands are just reliant on your welcome labrynth to resolve so that makes sure of that. You can also change the trap ratios, a third eev or trap trick might be nice. You can cut a third punishment cause it's opt or the third compuls.

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