Phantom Knights

Win Streaks from on December 12th, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 600
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Disclaimer: This deck got a 5-winstreak through dumb luck while I was testing Runick Phantom Knights

I still can't say for certain whether this is actually a good deck (probably not), because in my testing, I mainly opened the Runick half of the deck, and made my opponents rage quit.

The idea of the deck for the most part is that if you open a Runick card + the PK half of the deck, you can play standard PK to control your opponent out of the game with Apollousa, I:P into Unicorn, and Fog Blades, while using the Munin as a lvl 3 extender. Meanwhile, if you open mostly Runick cards, you play it like a pure Runick deck, and then hope that Fountain draws you a playable hand for next turn. The Runick cards can also serve as toolbox options.

Raider's Knight + Arc Rebellion probably sucks in this deck, I would rather play Dark Rebellion + Dark Requiem + RUM instead as another layer of negates. Once your opponent is out of resources, you can just kill the opponent with what you have on the board anyway. Arc Rebellion is better as a surprise OTK tool against an established board, but Runick cards conflict with that idea.

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