
Win Streaks from on January 7th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Really started winning more consistently once i crafted Triple Tactics Talent. Use it to pry starters or handtraps out of opp hand before their turn. I don't think I lost a single game that I drew TTT.

Accesscode/Transcode rarely came up, could be replaced for more link-1, but harder to otk w/o. charmer good for the mirror if you have extender after getting nibbed (same for striker to steal shizuku).

Most games Turn 1 was bubble reef just because drawing handtraps really was a win condition. Argonaut felt underwhelming because so many decks just go off with monster effects anyway. or she just gets kaiju'd.

Droplets is a must run unless you want to lose to 70% of the decks that just avramax you turn 1. Accesscode is another out, unless they link with I:P.

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