
Win Streaks from on January 24th, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 960
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty standard floodgate Runick with Cyber-Stein for fun (even though it's not optimal). There's no searcher for Stein (except Dharc but he's optional and you're never summoning him 99.9% of the time), Stein is just a topdeck gimmick. Sometimes it's funny to draw into stein turn 1 and summon last warrior, and watch the fool insta-scoop. It'll happen rarely though, but that's fine because Stein isn't even your main win con.

You play the full Eldlich package (gozen, skill drain, tcboo, rivalry), but don't set them and clog your field if you know they don't work at all vs opponent deck. If you're against a mono deck that's not affected by rivalry/gozen, just keep the rivalry/gozen in your hand for Hugin's discard fodder to search fountain. Even if you already have a fountain, it's good to have 2 (or even 3) fountains in hand for assurance.

Ideally, you would of course want to go 1st to setup fountain + floodgate traps + quick spells in hand, but if you get 2nd and they set up a full board, don't panic. Just set 5 and pass, and flip your tcboo/gozen/rivalry during their draw phase and see them scoop.

You ideally don't want to special summon any monster during your turn (unless you're forced to summon Hugin to search fountain), so you will have the flexibility to summon Hugin/Geri or even Munin sometimes on their turn depending on stuff. Another tip that is worth considering is to set your spells even with fountain, in case fountain dies. Careful of duster tho if you do this.

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