
Win Streaks from on July 5th, 2022
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 450
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Basically netdecked from https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/diamond-i/june-2022/endymion/雷蒙/Yp6MO

I didn't like running some of their one-of's so I just didn't.

The link to their youtube channel on their profile seems broken, so I'll link what works for me here:


I found watching their stream VODs to be very helpful in learning how to play the deck, even if I didn't understand a lick of what was being said. Some reactions transcend language though, LUL.

I dropped their Underworld Goddess for an extra Selene initially, but in this list it's a Knightmare Unicorn; mainly to summon it and spin itself back to the ED for meme value if I wanted to throw the match to a Diamond 2 opponent if they were nice enough to sit through my combo. It has non-troll uses as a Masq target though, so I'll probably leave it.

The biggest point that confused me when picking up this deck specifically is why there's 2 Supreme Starving Venoms when everything else is one-ofs. For fellow dumb-dumbs: it's for an FTK where they copy Independent Nightingale for 4000 burn damage each. If you can get out 4 dark pendulum monsters on your turn without any Upstarts, and 2 miscellaneous monsters for Verte (and are confident the opponent isn't Giga-brain hiding an extra handtrap) then may as well go for the best negate: killing the opponent before they get a turn.

谢谢 to RayMon for the parasocial guidance

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