
Win Streaks from on July 3rd, 2022
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This are pretty much basic lines you'll need to know this deck usually dont have much variation.

(1) Go 1st set up Arrival, 3k atk was the lowest - 6k was the highest. (2) go 2nd set up Accesscode+update jammer = OTK going 2nd (3) i go first, i have achici/pikari and aidle reborn/fa.ighting spirit, you can go set up arrival and search vanity emptyiness with primatchmech, this will make ur arrival only at 3k but you will be safe from kaijus or any tribute ur arrival cards. (4) and the "I only drew AI Meet You" as a starter line.

If you can do that without following a spreadsheet every step of the way you can do everything else. It's a pretty simple deck.

Checkout my replays!

Player id: 295-575-277

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