Mekk-Knight Kaiju

Win Streaks from on July 14th, 2022
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 450
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck aims to go blind second. The main goal is to summon Numeron Dragon to OTK the opponent.

  • Use Pinpoint Landing to chain block Blue Sky's search.
  • Blue Sky might use up the only column -> search for Girsu and summon it -> summon Galatea followed by Dingirsu.
  • Kaijus can be used to set up columns.
  • Blue Sky + Deep Sea Diva -> Search for Yellow Star -> Summon Wind Pegasus, followed by Yellow Star and Big Eye. Wind Pegasus and Yellow Star help remove the backrow.
  • Mannequin Cat can be used to summon the opponent's Maxx C/ Ash , which helps summon Gadarla/Dogoran.
  • Summon Dingirsu (can send one card) -> Pain Gainer (detach to destroy opponent's monster) -> Sevens Sins can make 4/5 mats Zeus.
  • Use Blue Sky to search for Purple Nightfall and vice versa.
  • If possible, make Baronne before your 5th summon, but sometimes it might be worth the risk to try to OTK the opponent instead.
  • Always pay attention to columns!
  • Sometimes when using Kaiju Slumber, it makes sense to give your opponent the stronger monster so you can summon Alpha.
  • Always detach Wind Pegasus first when using Big Eye's effect.
  • Use Alpha to bound back your kaiju so you can kaiju again.
  • If you use up Baronne's negation effect previously, returning it to ED during Standby Phase to summon Purple Nightfall could be a good choice.
  • Depending on the situation, making BLS with at least one level 7 monster might auto win you the game.

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Player id: 751-025-477

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