Sky Striker

Win Streaks from on July 19th, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Hi, my name is Born and this is my Sky Striker list. I want to explain some choices i made in deckbuilding. 2 Maxx C: The oponnent mostlikly plays 8 cardss that neg. Maxx C and You don't want to draw 2 in that case. The Adventurer Engine is really good against Maxx C. It is useless against Flundereeze. 3 Ashe and 3 Oger: you don't mind drawing 2 of them, thats why i play 3. 2 cosmic: You need it to banish the Flundereeze Trap and the Prankids Fusion. They can only activate in the Main Phase 1. I dropped Shark cannon and Eagle Booster bec. they are win more cards. They also don't break the board. Ofc. i play against alot of Dpe, but most of the time, my deck is better in the grind game even against dpe. I only rarely miss it, but i want to play 40 cards sharp. I started playing the adventurer engine, BUT i dropped it bec. it is not worth. Don't play it in Sky Striker. If i win the coin flip, i will go first. Sky Striker is really hard to master and i recommend this deck to everyone that wants to learn a fun and interactive deck. Every once in a while you will find a new play and use it from that point onwards. I learn every season new plays and that keeps the deck fresh for me. Here are some good replays from my grind in Dia. ( agaisnt, Flund, Sky Striker, Drytron goin 2end, etc..) Hope you like them. ID: 405 260 351 (got into Dia 1 with a 10 game winstreak)

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