Buster Blader

Win Streaks from on June 24th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 780
51 cards

Notes & Combos

Optional cards: Red Reign, Destruction Sword Flash, DPE package (not recommended, introduces too many bricks)

The main goal of this deck is to go first and flip up Prologue on your opponent's turn.

Turn 1: The main goal is to turbo out Union Carrier and equip Dragon Buster for that sweet sweet scythe lock (plus you play Buster Blader, so it's technically legal!). You can make I:P and another Link 2 to make Avramax, but there's some risk involved since I:P's effect is easily disrupted.

Turn 2: With your opponent locked out, swing in for game with the boss monsters.

Going second: Try to bait out negates so Prologue can resolve. Once your opponent has exhausted their negates, you might be able to OTK with Arc Rebellion.

This deck has favorable matchups against meta decks that rely on monster effects and the extra deck (though be wary of Vishuda bouncing cards back to your hand - shotgunning Prologue isn't always a good idea). On the other hand, it dies to backrow/control decks like Eldlich and Traptrix.

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