Galaxy Photon

Win Streaks from on June 29th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is so eh. It literally doesn't have a good normal summon and all starters require specific hands like galaxy soldier + galaxy photon dragon or having the galaxy photon dragon in GY from trade in.

It minuses so hard for it's setups and the turn 1 boards on an EXTREME high roll (I'm talking like a literal *** hand with every card being usable) end with a targetting pop, a spell negate, a cydra omni, and a monster negate but good luck ever getting this out consistently. (I've literally only ever done this one time while trying to grind this deck on ladder before giving up and just playing hero for my diamond 1).

Going second, afterglow detach from prime photon dragon will almost always win you the game if it gets its effect off in damage calculation. Main issue is that you need board breakers as well to faciltuate this unless they literally brickedor you maxx ced them on their turn 1. When i tried running board breakers, I just ended up breaking too much. Triple tactics is what I decided on.

Honestly hoping for more support in october with the heavily hinted at support for the archetype. For the love of *** just give it a good normal or a way to treat all galaxy and photons as each other so we stop getting awkward as **** hands. Or just a link 1 that just brings out orbital equipped so when union gets banned (or for TCG players) we have a good way to start.

Just play numeron if you want an easier deck going second. Only thing this deck has is the sick artwork.

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