Gren Maju

Win Streaks from on June 24th, 2022
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos


Turn 2 Deck, usually OTK's, Deep Sea Diva and Gizmek Orochi are probably your best cards

Deep Sea Diva is a 1 card 5300 2x pop ACT using halq > plaguespreader > unicorn +plaguespreader > act

2 level 8's is an OTK if they have no monsters or a monster with 1k or less ATK

Kaijuing their monster and putting it in front of the extra zone is important to remember, so you can steal back the kaiju with anima if you need

Always Orochi in the end phase of turn 1, unless you have a trade-in in hand you think might be better to use orochi for

You can use Thunderbird/Bigfoot with Trade-In and their pop effects will still work

You can use Thunderbird/Bigfoot with Alpha to send 2+ of their cards back to their hand

Baronne can pop Chengying, Chengying banishes a card to protect itself, and can then banish a card from your opponents field + GY

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