
Win Streaks from on May 29th, 2022
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 540
45 cards

Notes & Combos

45 cards to offset running into the garnets a bit at the cost of seeing Ash & Maxx C less as well.

Main idea is to grind with floodgate traphole -> kill with 10k attack Utopia pointed to by Pentestag on the facedown monster. There's less bricky game enders for Traptrix, but this is the one I like and find success with for whatever reason.

Also, Imperial Order can be sent to GY via droplets cost if it needs to be gone for Double or Nothing! to work (and/or pop with DPE).

Cerberus could be Zeus but then I'd feel obligated to run Heartlandraco and I don't feel like doing that kekw.

Atrax should probably another Dio or Vesi since I never resolve her effects, but I'm just posting things as-is.

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