Sky Striker

Win Streaks from on September 6th, 2022
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 390
50 cards

Notes & Combos

yeah it’s weird 50 cards but it worked better than the 40 cards how ? i really don’t know . I was inspired by kidart playing 50 cards thunder dragon when i tried it was more consistent so i give it a try with sky striker and surprisingly IT WAS BETTER THAN 40 cards i always go 1 even tho the deck is insane going second i break alot of halqdon full combo boards and the grind game was better due to adventure package win:16 lost:4 games 2 of them disconnected i really enjoyed this season Yuh_a8 peace

this is my ID you can check my replays to see how the deck work 717-917-822 check the latest replays

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