Virtual World

Win Streaks from on September 18th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 420
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Running over 40 since the deck has a few garnets. Ideal end board is Baron, Beatrice, Chengying, Pairen, and Chuche. Toggle on and put Scythe in grave with Beatrice in opponents draw phase then bring it out with Pairen during standby. If you cant get Pairen out then you can just get Scythe out with Baron. If they try to negate Scythe you can just pop it with Chuche so it resolves of field . Going second just depends on opponents board but Nightmare Shark and Utopia Beyond make for easy Zeus plays if you get interrupted. You might not need Nightmare Shark but going Zeus off of it did win me a few games. You could also consider cutting Shenshen but it does just auto win some matchups like Sky Strikers and Smelldlich. I tried running it with the Zolkin Crystal package but just preferred to get out Pairen over Zolkin because then i can use it to revive scythe multiple times and have Baron's omni negate instead of using Baron to tag out for scythe and have Crystal's monster negate. Also the Pairen only takes up the 1 extra deck slot and the extra deck is really tight. I think out of the entire extra deck i probably used M7 the least although it does come up every once in a while. You should also know that my Shenshen is royal and its beautiful! Definitely won me a few games because my opponent ran out of time staring at it.

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